Friday, July 5, 2013

How I'm Doin'

I have to have my hair in a ponytail or else.

Erm, yes, I am in a fever pitch with bedbug bites over my whole body but maybe just 1 on my face.  New bedset.  I was so tired bussing to the mall, had to ask my dad to come get me.

I would like to have like a mini blog or something.  It's just that it might be boring and who'd want to click on 2 things.  That's what's been bothering me.  Maybe, I can disguise some posts as shit.

My stomahc hurts so much and so did osmething else.  Need to do a floor workout for core + lower - Jillian Michaels - No More Trouble zones.  Works out most major groups of the body it seems, like the basic sections.

Man, now I'm cold!